Burnout, expectativas de control y afrontamiento en un grupo de funcionarios de prisiones
- Hernández Martín, Lorenzo
- Fernández Calvo, Bernardino
- Ramos Campos, Francisco
- Contador, Israel
ISSN: 1136-5420
Year of publication: 2006
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Pages: 155-164
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica
This ex post facto study analyzes the relationship of burnout with generalized expectations of control and coping strategies. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Battery of Generalized Expectations of Control Scales and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire were applied to a group of 133 wardens of one Spanish prison. Based upon their MBI scores the workers were divided into two groups: High and Low Burnout, each with 43 subjects and a final total sample of 86 participants. There were significant differences between the groups: compared to Low-burnout, the High-burnout group showed a profile of: a) greater emotional exhaustion and depersonalization-cynicism, but lower personal accomplishment; b) greater expectations of defencelessness and luck, but less expectation of success, selfefficiency and resourcefulness and c) greater use of strategies aimed at alleviating negative emotions, but less use of strategies aimed at managing the source of the problem. Also, the participants with lower educational levels were found in the high-burnout group.
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