Sobre Seselípeucedanoides (Bieb) Kos.- Pol., novedad para el sistema ibérico septentrional y otras umbelíferas riojanas
ISSN: 0211-9714
Year of publication: 1984
Issue: 3
Pages: 309-316
Type: Article
More publications in: Studia botanica
Seseli peucedanoides (Bieb). Kos.-Pol. is reported for the first time in the northern Sistema Ibérico; including several corologie considerations about the distribution of this taxon in our country. We also include news locations for seven others umbelliferae relatively unknown in the Rioja; this data will allow to determine more precisely thir local distribution. Among their we will mention: Pimpinella gracilis (Boiss.) Pau subsp. puberula (Lóseos & Pardo) Malagarriga, Bupleurum ranunculoides L. y Endressia castellana Coincy.