Príncipes y tiranos, vicios y virtudesalgunas consideraciones sobre el "De Principatu" de Mario Salamonio y "El Príncipe" de Nicolás Maquiavelo

  1. Jiménez Castaño, David

ISSN: 1576-7787

Année de publication: 2013

Número: 9

Pages: 105-114

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: RSEI


The aim of this work is to compare the political thought of two major Italian philosophers of the sixteenth century: Mario Salamonio, and Niccolò Machiavelli. Actually, what we want to show is that, although the interpreters of their philosophies have always confronted them, there are more matches between Salamonio and Machiavelli than divergences: both consider the good prince has to be virtuous and transfer those virtues to the people, and both condemn the tyrant because of its danger to the republic.

Références bibliographiques

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