La cerámica del yacimiento de época visigoda de El Cuquero (Villanueva del Conde, Salamanca, España): estudio arqueométrico

  1. E. Ariño 1
  2. M. Suárez 1
  3. J.M. Sánchez Santos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Salduie: Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología

ISSN: 1576-6454 2794-0055

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 15

Pages: 181-196

Type: Article

More publications in: Salduie: Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología


El Cuquero is a Visigothic settlement, located in the north-western Iberian Peninsula, which has been dated over the 6th century. The site has provided a small but homogeneous set of pottery, mainly composed of pieces that are usually classified as common or cooking ware, although macroscopic examination distinguishes a third different group characterized by its grey or black colour and polished surfaces. Shards belonging to the characterised productions are studied using petrographic microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and geochemical analysis (FUS-ICP and FUS-MS) to explore similarities or differences. Petrographic study and X-ray diffraction reveal a very similar mineralogical composition for all of the analysed samples. However, geochemical analyses yield some differences. The chemical composition of the coarse cooking ware can be differentiated from the other groups, whereas the common ware and the group of grey or black pottery with polished surfaces are more similar in composition