FOLERPAa tool for building and conducting perceptual experiments

  1. Alba Aguete Cajiao
  2. Elisa Fernández Rei
  3. César Osório Peláez

ISSN: 2013-2247

Año de publicación: 2016

Número: 6

Páginas: 245-275

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Dialectologia


The objective of this article is to present a new tool for building and conducting perceptual tests, FOLERPA (Ferramenta On-Line para Experimentación Perceptiva ‘Online Tool for Perceptual Experimentation’). This is a package of online tools with open and free access which allows high-quality auditory perceptual experiments to be carried out in a visual, friendly and interactive environment, without the user needing programming skills. In this article the different development modules of a perceptual test, test diffusion, data administration and analysis, are explained one by one. These make up the platform and allow full perceptual experiments to be carried out. FOLERPA is designed principally for the development of experiments in the field of linguistics, but is also useful for other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities which employ perceptual methodology.

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