La configuración de los paisajes y el uso del medio en las comunidades rurales de la montaña cantábrica en el sistema agrario tradicional

  1. Plaza Gutiérrez, J.I. 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Geografía (Universidad de Salamanca)
La evolución del paisaje vegetal y el uso del fuego en la Cordillera Cantábrica
  1. Ezquerra Boticario, Francisco Javier (coord.)
  2. Rey van den Bercken, Enrique (coord.)

Editorial: Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León

ISBN: 978-84-694-3543-4

Any de publicació: 2011

Pàgines: 185-198

Congrés: Seminario sobre la evolución del paisaje vegetal y el uso del fuego en la Cordillera Cantábrica (1. 2007. León)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


This is a summary of the historical organisation model of the zone of the Cantabrian mountain range, the product of a specific adaptation-exploitation logic “to” and “of" the environment, linked to the traditional economic model and closely related to the rural economy on which it rests with the configuration of different agricultural landscapes which, as a result, produces: definition and construction of an organizing morphology, physiognomy and geometry based on a social and economic context and interpreting the process of human occupation of the environment and of adaptation to it, where the population and the territorial system imposed also constitute a basic element of the territorial organisation created. An attempt is thus made to define the “environmental-territorial” logic which traditional mountain society applied to the occupation and use of the environment and space, identifying the contexts in which this action and process is framed, underlining the main characteristics.