Recursos naturales y turismo en la Raya castellano-leonesa

  1. Luis Alfonso Hortelano Mínguez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Turismo de frontera (II): oferta y demanda turística en la Raya Ibérica
  1. Antonio-Jose Campesino Fernandez (dir.)

Publisher: Los autores

ISBN: 978-84-695-9766-8

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 11-32

Congress: Jornadas Técnicas de Turismo de Fronteira (2. 2013. Guarda)

Type: Conference paper


One of the main tourist attractions of the border castellanoleonesa is the diversity of naturals resources associated with geological features, the watercourse, the vegetal tapestry, and the faunistic habitats. Furthermore, the conjunction of the aspects of the physical environment and the actions of man have resulted in a variety of landscape units. These exceptional natural and eco-cultural values were recognized under different figures of protection after the first fifty years of the last century and, have continued recently with the implementation of Community Directives and regional legislation. With these actions public institutions and private sector managers, have adequate the natural resources, of this territory for tourist use in some cases, set of Castilla y León and Portugal from mutual cooperation and collaboration of entities on both sides of the border.