Percepciones docentes y alumnado en programas de apoyo y refuerzo educativo en Castilla y León
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2605-1923
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Pages: 425-436
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE
This article describes and analyzes the teachers’s perception of the student who take part in an educational program against the school failure, supporting the students with more difficulties of learning with out-of-school classes. The results obtained from the interviews realized to fifteen teachers of compulsory secondary education, show the meanings concerning the image of a students exposed to the school failure. The paper concludes that the vision of the teachers is slightly positive with regard to the improvement of the students and a generally negative vision on the student when the sufficient thing does not strain. The speeches that express low expectations towards the students are linked to the reproduction of the rates of school failure. It is considered to be the need of a better pedagogic applied formation of the professorship that takes part in programs of support and educational reinforcement to attack the problem of the transmission of the negative labelling.