Robust methodology for vanishing points detection in architectural scenes

  1. J. Finat 1
  2. M.Gonzalo-Tasis 1
  3. J. Gomez Lahoz 2
  4. D.Aguilera 2
  5. M. A. Claro-Irisarri 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


eArcom04 Congress

Año de publicación: 2004

Páginas: 1-11

Congreso: eArcom

Tipo: Aportación congreso


In the past few years, there exists an increasing relevance for surveying, protection, restoration and dissemination of Cultural Heritage. This trend is supported by the power provided by Information and Communication Technologies in two remarkable aspects: the ability of computer based tools for representing 3D objects from digital images and the capability of available software tools to provide world wide access to this representation. Cultural Heritage representation is broadening in two directions: firstly, to efficiently and attractively render the architectural objects (stress on visualization quality) and secondly, to achieve high accuracy and reliability standards (stress on metric quality). We are aiming at enlargement of automatic modeling for architectural complex objects. Hence, we assume that we are able to deal with the large amount of blunders that are swept into the process due to a variety of reasons: the ill posed geometry of the recovery of the object shape from the imagery, occlusions, cast shadows, noise in the radiometry, and correlation within certain critical parameters. This paper focuses on the development of a robust methodology for vanishing points detection in order to provide a robust structure of the 3D scene. We assume that we are working with images in which the object exhibits strong perspective effects, i.e. we can take advantage in the identification and calculation of the vanishing points attached to the object structural lines. The robustness in vanishing points detection will come determined by the quality in the automatic extraction of perspectives lines (Canny’s algorithm), as well as the modeling of radial distortion coefficients of the camera, event quite habitual in Architecture due to the employment of digital cameras with big distortions in the lenses. The application of Iterative Least Squares procedures is supported by stochastic tests and robust procedures in vanishing points detection to avoid errors linked to outliers. We pay a special attention to the Danish estimator applied with Pope Test and the well known RANSAC algorithm, which allow us to detect blunders errors in a single iteration and independently of scene geometric configuration. Finally, in order to validate the methodology developed, we have developed two strategies: firstly, an implementation which includes simulated, wire frame, sketched images for an easy and efficient modeling of different factors to be analyzed and secondly, to extend this task to real raster images taken on relevant monuments of our Cultural Heritage such as the Santa Ana’s Cloister.

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