Technical comparison of specific software used in the design of ground source heat pump systems
- Cristina Sáez Blázquez 1
- Ignacio Martín Nieto 1
- Arturo Farfán Martín 1
- Diego González-Aguilera 1
Universidad de Salamanca
ISBN: 978-958-5583-78-8
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 597-611
Congress: Ibero-American Conference on Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES 2019)
Type: Conference paper
An accurate design of a ground source heat pump system is crucial to ensure the future operation of the geothermal installation. PC-programs usually constitute the most optimal and quick solution for the dimensioning of the men- tioned systems. In this regard, Earth Energy Designer (EED) software is fre- quently used by specialized users for the design of closed vertical geothermal loops. Based on the weaknesses detected on this program and the enhanced knowledge of the geothermal operation from different research studies, a new geothermal tool, GES-CAL, has been developed. In this way, the principal ob- jective of this study is to evaluate this new software and to compare the results of both PC-programs. This comparison derives from the application of both tools in the calculation of the same study case. Results obtained in this research show that GES-CAL software is an accurate and valid alternative for the design of all heat exchanger configurations, especially for those installations placed in the region of Ávila. EED, is however, recommended for the calculation of high power geothermal systems that require an exhaustive analysis of the ground and heat carrier fluid behavior.
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