Evaluation of 549T4C, 441C4T and 197T4C promoter polymorphisms ofprostanoid DP receptor (PTGDR) genein a population of Spanish children withasthma
- I Dávila 1
- C Sanz 2
- M Isidoro-García 1
- S Arriba-Méndez 3
- M Pascual 4
- E Laffond 1
- E Moreno 1
- E Macías 1
- A San Francisco 1
- F Lorente 1
Hospital Universitario de Salamanca
- 2 University Hospital, Allergy Reseach Laboratory
- 3 Hospital Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles, Servicio de Pediatría
- 4 University Hospital, Allergy Research Laboratory
ISSN: 0105-4538, 1398-9995
Year of publication: 2007
Volume: 62
Issue: s83
Pages: 375-376
Congress: Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
Type: Conference paper
Background:PTGDR gene has been identi-fied as an asthma-susceptibility gene. Re-cently, functional genetic variants have beenassociated with asthma. The objective of thiswork was to study549T4C,441C4Tand197T4C PTGDR promoter polymor-phisms in a Spanish paediatric population.Methods:In this study, 174 Caucasianindividuals (96 controls and 78 childrenwith asthma) were included. Healthy indivi-duals were enrolled as controls when meet-ing all the following criteria: no symptomsor history of asthma or other pulmonarydiseases; no symptoms or history of allergy;negative skin prick tests to a battery ofcommon aeroallergens; absence of firstdegree relatives with a history of asthma oratopy. Asthma was specialist-physician di-agnosed according to the American Thor-acic Society (ATS) criteria. Skin prick testswere performed in all individuals. Thepolymorphisms were analyzed by directsequencing, following the EMQN best prac-tice guidelines on laboratory procedures forDNA studies. Results:The polymorphism197T4C wassignificantly associated with allergic asthma[Fisher’sP-value50.04, Monte CarloP-value (104 simulations)50.03 for allelicfrequency], particularly with mite allergy[Fisher’sP-value50.01, Monte CarloP-value (104 simulations)50.01 for allelicfrequency]. The CCT CCC diplotype wasassociated with allergic asthma (P50.002)specifically with mite allergy (Po0.0001).The statistical power was480% for asignificance levelo0.05.Conclusion:The CCTCCC combination of549T4C,441C4T and197T4Cpolymorphisms in PTGDR promoter seemsto be associated with allergic asthma, andmore specifically with mite allergy in ourpaediatric population. The association withallergic asthma is in agreement with that wepreviously reported in a population ofSpanish adult patients.