Successful specific venomimmunotherapy is associated with anincrease in serum IL-10 levels
- Sanz, C 1
- Isidoro-García, M 1
- Pascual, M 1
- Padrón, J 1
- Macías, E 1
- Ruiz, A 1
- Dávila, I 1
- Lorente, F 1
Hospital Universitario de Salamanca
ISSN: 0105-4538, 1398-9995
Year of publication: 2008
Volume: 63
Issue: s88
Pages: 511-511
Congress: EAACI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
Type: Conference paper
Background:Recent studies have increasedour knowledge on immunotherapy (IT)mechanisms. In this sense, it has beendescribed the role that different cytokinesplay in the modulation of the immunologicresponse that develops after the administra-tion of an allergen vaccine. The developmentof proteomics has led new methodologicalapproaches as protein arrays that offerinformation about the expression levels ofseveral proteins at the same time.Methods:To perform this study a cytokineantibody array was employed to determinethe expression levels of 42 different serumproteins. Independently ELISA analyses forthree proteins were also performed to allowthe normalization procedure. We analyzed30 serum samples corresponding to 15patients diagnosed of systemic reaction dueto hymenoptera hypersensitivity that re-ceived specific venom immunotherapy dur-ing at least three years. To address theefficacy of immunotherapy, all of themshould have tolerated a spontaneous hyme-noptera sting during the course of immu-notherapy. For each patient, a sample takenbefore immunotherapy treatment and asample taken after immunotherapy wereanalyzed simultaneously.Results:We detected differences in thecytokines levels between pre and post IT.Particularly, an increase in the level ofinterleukin 10 (IL-10) (WilcoxonP50.026)was observed after immunotherapy.Conclusion:Protein array technology allowsa simultaneous analysis of different cyto-kines providing useful information. In thisstudy, an increase in serum IL-10 wasobserved after successful IT. This result isin agreement with recent studies. In thissense, IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cyto-kine that suppresses the TH1-response andpromotes B-cell activation as well as reg-ulates immunoglobulin class switching.