Genetic variants regulate the promoteractivity of PTGDR

  1. García-Sánchez, A 1
  2. Marcos-Vadillo, E 2
  3. Sanz, C 1
  4. García-Solaesa, V 2
  5. Moreno-Rodilla, E 12
  6. Muñoz-Bellido, F 2
  7. Macias, E 2
  8. Isidoro-García, M 12
  9. Dávila, I 12
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


  2. 2 Hospital Universitario de Salamanca

    Hospital Universitario de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress

ISSN: 0105-4538 1398-9995

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 70

Issue: s101

Pages: 161-161

Congress: European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


Background:PTGDR, a receptor ofPGD2, has been proposed as a candidategene in allergy. The objective of this workwas to interrogate the contribution ofPTGDR SNPs to PTGDR expression incell culture.Method:Four PTGDR reporter constructsof 700 bp were created by PCR amplifica-tion of genomic DNA from homozygoussubjects who had the following alternativehaplotypes (positions -613, -549, -441 and -197): CTCT, CCCT, TCCT and CCCC.The fragments were cloned in the pGL3-basic vector. The cloned regions were con-firmed by sequencing.Results:The haplotype with the CTCTsequence (-613C, -549T, -441C, and -197T)was significantly associated with the lowestreporter activity, while the rest of haplo-types, CCCC, CCCT and TCCT, showed aremarkable reporter activity increase of 3magnitude orders. CTCT: 0.0 0.0;CCCC: 3.11 0.17; CCCT: 3.06 0.17;TCCT: 3.08 0.24 logRLU, (P-value<0.0001. Conclusion:The findings presented in thisstudy suggest a differential PTGDR pro-moter activity according to genetic vari-ants. Response to new treatments based onPTGDR modulation could depend on thegenetic background in allergic patients