El reciclajela apuesta de las grandes compañías de infraestructuras en defensa de la cohesión social europea.
ISSN: 2618-4931
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 4
Type: Article
More publications in: Ingenio Tecnológico
Sustainable development goals
The war event of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has reviewed the concept of sustainable and responsible investment that is beginning to be linked to the evolution of geopolitical. This uncertainty will require the Companies to be very undermined, to be put in the hands of managers who can monitor companies well, to know in advance the trends so that they can properly execute the rotation of portfolios in good time to take advantage of the favourable winds that are less and less, Lieutenant in mind that inflation in Europe is progressing as an inexorable fire that will break the economic increase, and advance a possible stagnation scenario. This situation of such concern forces us once we have found the institutional and geopolitical risks, be able to find the strengths of the eurozone companies, to get a review of their strategic model, this will verify their present market value and not mere estimates, as capitalization will be vital. In pursuit of this purpose, the article will attempt after a realistic analysis the strengths of a decade of environmental and human rights defence and social cohesion by infrastructure companies in Europe, which enables them to have a comparative advantage in global value chains, currently in a process of reconfiguration.
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