Evolución de facies en el Jurásico calcareo del sector Sur-Oriental de la provincia de Burgos
ISSN: 0211-8327
Year of publication: 1980
Volume: 16
Pages: 37-58
Type: Article
More publications in: Studia geologica salmanticensia
The stratigraphie study of the calcareous Jurassic in the west margin of the Cameros Basin, allowed to differenciate three units since the beginning of the Jurassic cycle to the deposition of the Purbeck faciès. Seeing the sedimentological characteristics, depositional teture, primary structures, etc., of these three units several faciès in each unit have been differenciated. Most of these faciès are widely represented in this region. The evolution of these faciès clearly demonstrates a transgressive-regressive cycle that begins with the initiation of the Jurassic time in a brackish environment. It changes into an open shelf environment until the Lias-Dogger time, where maximum transgression is reached. The regression begins with the first deposits of the Dogger age, consisting of sponge beds and bars, terminating the cycle with these conditions in the Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian depending on the localities.