What interventions should we implement in England's mental health services? The mental health implementation network (MHIN) mixed-methods approach to rapid prioritisation

  1. Ahuja, S.
  2. Phillips, L.
  3. Smartt, C.
  4. Khalid, S.
  5. Coldham, T.
  6. Fischer, L.
  7. Rae, S.
  8. Sevdalis, N.
  9. Boaz, A.
  10. Robinson, S.
  11. Gaughran, F.
  12. Lelliott, Z.
  13. Jones, P.
  14. Thornicroft, G.
  15. Munshi, J.-D.
  16. Drummond, C.
  17. Perez, J.
  18. Littlejohns, P.
Frontiers in Health Services

ISSN: 2813-0146

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 3

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3389/FRHS.2023.1204207 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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