La soledad en las personas mayores chilenasUna conceptualización a través de factores biopsicosociales y las trayectorias de vida

  1. Fernández-Dávila Jara, Paula Andrea
Supervised by:
  1. Esteban Sánchez Moreno Director
  2. Lorena Patricia Gallardo Peralta Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 17 January 2024

  1. Ana Barrón López de Roda Chair
  2. David Alonso González Secretary
  3. Antonia Picornell Lucas Committee member
  4. Enrique Pastor Seller Committee member
  5. María Ángeles Molina Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis


Research on the experience of loneliness in old age has gained special relevance in recent decades due to its association with various negative conditions for older people, related to the presence of medical and mental health conditions that influence a loss of their ability functional and, therefore, in a decrease in their quality of life.The experience of loneliness is defined as a subjective sensation of loss of companionship and intimacy in family and social ties, together with a decrease in the quality of relationships, which arises from the personal assessments that older people make about the objective characteristics of your social network; therefore, it is especially relevant to consider the social networks that make up older adults, emphasizing the consolidation of a heterogeneous social network that provides cohesion and a sense of belonging...