Mediating and Moderating Variables in the Relationship Between Emotional Demands and Teachers’ Emotional Exhaustion
- Esther Cuadrado 1
- Mónica Jiménez-Rosa 1
- María Ruiz-García 1
- Carmen Tabernero 2
Universidad de Córdoba
- 2 University of Salamanca, Spain
ISSN: 1576-5962
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 40
Issue: 1
Pages: 31-39
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology
Teachers tend to suffer high levels of emotional exhaustion, a variable that is associated with poor mental health and lower job performance. The present study analyzed how emotional demands, emotional dissonance, and self-efficacy to cope with stress interact in predicting teachers’ emotional exhaustion. To conduct this longitudinal research, 108 Andalusian teachers (57.3% women; mean age = 45.30, SD = 8.68) completed an online survey at three different time points. Moderated mediation analysis suggested that emotional dissonance mediated the relationship between emotional demands and emotional exhaustion, with self-efficacy acting as a moderator between the two. Teachers who perceived high emotional demands saw their levels of emotional dissonance increase, which in turn led to an increase in emotional exhaustion. In addition, self-efficacy acted as a protective factor against emotional exhaustion, buffering the negative effect of emotional dissonance. Strengthening these protective variables through interventions that increase levels of self-efficacy to cope with stress and reduce levels of emotional dissonance could help prevent teachers’ emotional exhaustion.
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