Emotional intelligence and academic achievement relationshipemotional well-being, motivation, and learning strategies as mediating factors
- Ana Nieto-Carracedo 1
- Consuelo Gómez-Iñiguez 2
- Leticia A. Tamayo 1
- Juan-J. Igartua 1
Universidad de Salamanca
- 2 Univesitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana
ISSN: 1135-755X
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 30
Issue: 2
Pages: 67-74
Type: Article
More publications in: Psicología educativa
Emotional intelligence has been associated with academic achievement, which entails that improving emotional intelligence could lead to better academic achievement. However, the mechanisms of this relationship are not well known. This paper focuses on assessing relevant factors associated with academic achievement (emotional well-being, motivation, and learning strategies) as potential mediators of this link. A cross-sectional study with a sample of 96 high school students was conducted. They were assessed using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, the Psychological Well-being Questionnaire, the Learning Strategies and Motivation Questionnaire, and their final grades. Results of a serial mediation analysis revealed that emotional intelligence is not directly associated with academic achievement but through mediating factors. Serial indirect effects show that emotionally intelligent students have higher levels of emotional well-being, which predicts better learning strategies and is, in turn, associated with academic achievement. Emotional intelligence also predicts greater motivation and better learning strategies (without the mediation of emotional well-being), which is ultimately also associated with academic achievement. Theoretical and instructional implications are discussed.
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