Probabilistic Boolean Network Modeling as an aid for DFMEA in Manufacturing Systems
- Pedro J. Rivera Torres 1
- Eileen I. Serrano Mercado 2
Universidade de Vigo
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
Year of publication: 2016
Pages: 1-11
Congress: 18th Scientific Conference of Engineering and Architecture
Type: Conference paper
Modeling manufacturing processes assists the design of new systems, allowing predictions of futurebehaviors, identifying improvement areas and evaluating changes to existing systems. Probabilistic BooleanNetworks (PBN) have been used to study biological systems, since they combine uncertainty and rule-basedrepresentation. A novel approach is proposed to model the design of an automated manufacturing assemblyprocesses using Probabilistic Boolean Networks (PBNs) to generate quantitative data for occurrenceassessment in Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA). FMEA is a widely used tool in RiskAssessment (RA) to ensure design outputs consistently deliver the intended level of performance.Effectiveness of RA depends upon the robustness of the data used. Temporal logic is applied to analyze statesuccessions in a transition system, while interactions and dynamics are captured over a set of Booleanvariables using PBNs. Designs are therefore enhanced through assessment of risks, using proposed tools inthe early phases of design of manufacturing systems. A Two-Sample T test demonstrates the proposed modelprovides values closer to expected values; consequently modeling observable phenomena (p-value > 0.05).Simulations are used to generate data required to conduct inferential statistical tests to determine the level ofcorrespondence between model prediction and real machine data.
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