A Qualitative Approach to the Analysis of Digital Leisure of the University Student Population

  1. Sánchez-Gómez, M.C.
  2. Cabanillas-García, J.L.
  3. Martín-Cilleros, M.V.
  4. del Brío-Alonso, I.
  5. Verdugo-Castro, S.
  6. Sánchez-Vicente, M.I.
  7. Lorenzo-Sánchez, O.
Book Series:
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

ISSN: 2367-3389 2367-3370

ISBN: 9783031657344

Year of publication: 2024

Computer Supported Qualitative Research - New Trends in Qualitative Research WCQR2024

Volume: 1061 LNNS

Pages: 193-212

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65735-1_12 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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