The EuroFlow PIDOT external quality assurance scheme: Enhancing laboratory performance evaluation in immunophenotyping of rare lymphoid immunodeficiencies

  1. Neirinck, J.
  2. Buysse, M.
  3. Brdickova, N.
  4. Perez-Andres, M.
  5. De Vriendt, C.
  6. Kerre, T.
  7. Haerynck, F.
  8. Bossuyt, X.
  9. Van Dongen, J.J.M.
  10. Orfao, A.
  11. Hofmans, M.
  12. Bonroy, C.
  13. Kalina, T.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine

ISSN: 1437-4331 1434-6621

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1515/CCLM-2024-0749 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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