Basement membranes in lung metastasis growth and progression

  1. Torre-Cea, I.
  2. Berlana-Galán, P.
  3. Guerra-Paes, E.
  4. Cáceres-Calle, D.
  5. Carrera-Aguado, I.
  6. Marcos-Zazo, L.
  7. Sánchez-Juanes, F.
  8. Muñoz-Félix, J.M.
Matrix Biology

ISSN: 1569-1802 0945-053X

Year of publication: 2025

Volume: 135

Pages: 135-152

Type: Review

DOI: 10.1016/J.MATBIO.2024.12.008 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor