Empowering lives: How deinstitutionalization and community living improve the quality of life of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

  1. Navas, P.
  2. Arias, V.B.
  3. Vicente, E.
  4. Esteban, L.
  5. Guillén, V.M.
  6. Alvarado, N.
  7. Heras, I.
  8. Rumoroso, P.
  9. García-Domínguez, L.
  10. Verdugo, M.Á.
Research in Developmental Disabilities

ISSN: 1873-3379 0891-4222

Year of publication: 2025

Volume: 157

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.RIDD.2024.104909 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor