179 funding - 88,286,877€
SECure Fingertip and hand gestures RECognition for a touchless devices' era
euro 183,900.00
Probing Dense Matter inside Neutron Stars with Gravitational Waves (DensMat-NS)
euro 168,900.00
Exploring microenvironment changes driven by TAT-Cx43 peptide in the neurovascular unit to target glioblastoma (GlioTarget)
euro 168,900.00
SmartDelivery 'Machine Learning and the Internet of Things for Optimisation of the Last Mile Delivery'
euro 206,641.20
Palimpsests of Governance: Global Cities and the Diversities of Empire Building in Habsburg and Dutch Brazil, 1581-1654 (POG-BRACITIES)
euro 168,900.00
Testing the cognitive links between Acheulean and Art technologies (ARTECH)
euro 168,900.00
OET_DURIUS 'Diseño del Observatorio Ecológico Transfronterizo del Corredor Duero-Douro'
euro 140,826.26
Field-controlled magnetoelectric core-shell-shell nanoparticles as remote magnetic intracellular hyperthermia and on-demand drug release for targeted therapy of breast cancer cells (HIReCell)
euro 183,900.00
Valorization of food waste: Recovery and encapsulation of phenolic compounds and food fortification (Waster2Health)
euro 183,900.00
Agroturismo sostenible para el desarrollo socioeconómico y protección ambiental en el espacio Sudoe
euro 117,649.46
Vertical Gallium Nitride Power MOSFETs (SGT-MOSFET)
euro 183,900.00
GEstión Sostenible y digiTalizada dEl AgUa en entornos Rurales del espacio SUDOE
euro 318,750.25
SHAREDH2-SUDOE 'Hidrogeno renovable solución para el almacenamiento flexible y distribuido de energía en las CEL'
euro 111,991.80
Common Semantic Standardized Data Model (CSSDM) to achieve interoperability in continuity of care network.
euro 168,900.00
Transfer of CO2 from soil to karst underground atmospheres (COSKA)
euro 168,900.00
S-HealthControlTracker: Tracking Emotion Dynamics and False Information Propagation in Social Networks for Health Controversies
euro 168,900.00
Food environment around schools: a study from the point of view of food traders and food store owners (FEAS)
euro 168,900.00
Geographical Representation: How legislators react to the urban-rural divide (GEOREP)
euro 168,900.00
BioPdM: A biomimetic, secure, smart Fault Diagnosis Predictive Maintenance System, for the optimization of Industrial Internet of Thingsenabled processes (BioPdM)
euro 183,900.00
Cross-3DTool-4ALS 'Cooperação e transferência tecnológica para o desenvolvimento de uma nova plataforma de medicina'
euro 292,822.55