86 funding - 7,002,533€
LCA Care: Collect, Analyse, Report and Evolve for eco-innovative SMEs
euro 192,214.00
FAITH: Enhancing Female LeAdership In STEM in CHINA
euro 67,770.16
eCOLAB 4.0: Innovative, collaborative and interoperable tools for improved higher education curricula on sustainable Industry 4.0 manufacturing
euro 60,000.00
MIRACLE: Management of internationalisation through Regional Administrative and academic Collaboration between Latin America and Europe
EC2U: European Campus of City-Universities 2023-2027
euro 1,436,136.00
DETAILLs: DEsign Tools of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Living LabS
euro 75,065.00
MIGRAMEDIA: Migration Narratives in Visual Media: Representation, Media Literacy, and Education
euro 73,019.00
ReligiTour: Enhancement of the competences and possibilities for religious tourism development and for better integration and management of religious sites in the urban environment
euro 42,925.00
GEODES: Geosciences, Development and Sustainability: Africa and Europe together
euro 31,191.00
COMMUNIKITE: COMMUNICATIVE Needs in a First-aid KIT for humanitarian EMERGENCY situations
euro 92,600.00
EUFUTURE: Jean Monnet Module on the Future of Europe
euro 30,000.00
HerTechVenture: Empowering Women in Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship by developing a Supportive Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions
euro 48,550.00
BRAINING: Collaborative learning and innovative teaching for brain drug screening
euro 41,000.00
Green Agripreneurs of Future
euro 35,276.00
LLND: A life learning, now it is digital
euro 15,300.00
HAInnovPrev: Empowering Nursing high education with innovative healthcare-associated infection prevention and control practices in Latin America
euro 134,550.00
TRANSPONTIC 'The Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Northern Pontic Region: A multi-proxy approach of forager societies'
euro 165,312.96
RoboSTEAMSEN: Training SEN teachers to use robotics for fostering STEAM and develop computational thinking
euro 30,268.00
CLIMATE WARRIORS: Climate without Borders;The key to achieving a clean and healthy environment
euro 15,025.20
YGRC: Youth Goals Research Centre
euro 30,000.00