Supervised theses (16) Theses supervised by group members


  1. Board gender diversity and sustainability performance & disclosure

    Amorelli Moreira, María Florencia

    Supervised by Isabel María García Sánchez
  2. The influence of employment protection and firm-level factors on labor investment decisions

    Vaz Palmeira, Rafael

    Supervised by Julio Pindado García y Ignacio Requejo Puerto
  3. The CSR policy of family firms: the trade-off between internal and external stakeholders, persistence and financial consequences

    Rivera Franco, María del Pilar

    Supervised by Isabel Suárez González y Ignacio Requejo Puerto


  1. Social Accounting: analysis of the disclosure on labor practices and human rights and its determinants

    Monteiro, Albertina Paula Moreira

    Supervised by Isabel María García Sánchez
  2. Business groups and the advantage of employment flexibility

    Doucet Sánchez, Pablo Francisco

    Supervised by Isabel Suárez González y Ignacio Requejo Puerto


  1. Women, accounting, academia and business: history and current affairs of the female struggle in a patriarchal context

    Uribe Bohorquez, Maria Victoria

    Supervised by Isabel María García Sánchez


  1. Análisis multivariante de las prácticas de responsabilidad social corporativa y su evolución en el tiempo

    Amor Esteban, Víctor

    Supervised by Purificación Galindo Villardón y Isabel María García Sánchez


  1. Macroeconomic and strategic determinants of corporate capital structure. The moderating effect of institutional factors, banking system characteristics and a firm’s ownership structure

    Rivera Ordóñez, Juan Camilo

    Supervised by Julio Pindado García y Ignacio Requejo Puerto
  2. Informe integrado,información asimetrica y coste de capital

    Noguera Gámez, Ligia Carolina

    Supervised by Isabel María García Sánchez y Jennifer Martínez Ferrero


  1. Contribuciones al Análisis de la Sostenibilidad Internacional, desde una Perspectiva Algebraica Multivariante Comparada

    Rodríguez Rosa, Miguel

    Supervised by Isabel Gallego Álvarez y Purificación Galindo Villardón


  1. A proposal for a composite index of environmental performance (CIEP) for countries

    das Neves Almeida, Thiago Alexandre

    Supervised by Isabel María García Sánchez
  2. Consecuencias de la manipulación contable desde la perspectiva del accionista y del stakeholder dentro de la empresa familiar

    Bermejo Sanchez, Manuel

    Supervised by Jennifer Martínez Ferrero
  3. The effect of family control on firm value, corporate financing and R&D policy

    Martínez García, Beatriz

    Supervised by Julio Pindado García y María Belén Lozano García