Investigador Predoctoral
PhD school: ECONOMÍA
Email: angelsd1998@usal.es
Personal web: https://sites.google.com/usal.es/angel-sanchez-daniel/inicio
Ángel is a pre-doctoral researcher and Ph.D. candidate in economics at the University of Salamanca, Spain. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Salamanca and a master's degree in labour economics from the Universities of Barcelona, Autonomous of Barcelona, and Girona. His research interests include causal inference, applied economics, and environmental economics. He is part of the national IRENE project, as part of the AWARE research group, working on the coupling of agricultural remote sensing data and climate change simulations with microeconomic models to explore the impact of different water inputs on socio-economic outcomes and water policies. He is also enrolled part-time in the Ph.D. in economics, working on ageing economics and causal inference to understand the drivers of the elderly population's welfare and behaviours.