Andrés Sánchez
Profesor Permanente Laboral

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (10)
Biome conservatism prevailed in repeated long-distance colonization of Madagascar's mountains by Helichrysum (Compositae, Gnaphalieae)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol. 204
Resurrection of two endemic Cape species of Helichrysum (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) from amongst the arid-adapted annual lineages
South African Journal of Botany, Vol. 170, pp. 417-424
La importancia de las muestras conservadas en herbarios para la ejecución de proyectos de investigación: sistemática y evolución de "Helichrysum",un género hiperdiverso y de amplia distribución, como caso de estudio
Colecciones científicas: patrimonio natural y cultural único para la investigación presente y futura: IV Simposio de la Sociedad Botánica Española (Universidad de León), pp. 74
Repeatedly Northwards and Upwards: Southern African Grasslands Fuel the Colonization of the African Sky Islands in Helichrysum (Compositae)
Plants, Vol. 12, Núm. 11
Evolutionary history of the arid climate-adapted Helichrysum (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae): Cape origin and association between annual life-history and low chromosome numbers
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Vol. 57, Núm. 5, pp. 468-487
(2355) Proposal to conserve the name Filago arvensis, with a conserved type, against F. montana (Asteraceae)
Systematic significance and evolutionary dynamics of the achene twin hairs in Filago (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) and related genera: further evidence of morphological homoplasy
Plant Systematics and Evolution, Vol. 301, Núm. 6, pp. 1653-1668
(2008) Proposal to conserve the name Filago arvensis (Asteraceae) with a conserved type
Taxon, Vol. 60, Núm. 2, pp. 599-600
(2009) Proposal to conserve the name Filago vulgaris against Gnaphalium germanicum (Filago germanica) (Asteraceae)
Taxon, Vol. 60, Núm. 2, pp. 600-602
A nomenclatural treatment for Logfia Cass. and Filago L. (Asteraceae) as newly circumscribed: Typification of several names
Taxon, Vol. 60, Núm. 2, pp. 572-576