Elez Villar
Profesor Permanente Laboral

Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Cesáreo Saiz-Jiménez (7)
Adaptive response of prokaryotic communities to extreme pollution flooding in a Paleolithic rock art cave (Pindal Cave, northern Spain)
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 921
A study on the state of conservation of the Roman Necropolis of Carmona (Sevilla, Spain)
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 34, pp. 185-197
The deterioration of Circular Mausoleum, Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 518-519, pp. 65-77
Las causas de la degradación
Investigar, conservar difundir: el Proyecto Guirnaldas en el Conjunto Arqueológico de Carmona (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla), pp. 59-78
The conservation of the carmona necropolis (Sevilla, Spain)
The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage - Selected papers from International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014
Salt damage and microclimate in the Postumius Tomb, Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain
Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 63, Núm. 7, pp. 1529-1543
Procesos de precipitación mineral bioinducidos en sistemas kársticos subterráneos: breve revisión y nuevas tendencias
Estudios geológicos, Vol. 62, Núm. 1, pp. 43-52