Articles (21) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Aquifers Management through Evolutionary Bayesian Networks: The Altiplano Case Study (SE Spain)

    Water Resources Management, Vol. 25, Núm. 14, pp. 3883-3909

  2. Biosorption of heavy metals from acid mine drainage onto biopolymers (chitin and α (1,3) β-D-glucan) from industrial biowaste exhausted brewer's yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae L.)

    Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, Vol. 16, Núm. 6, pp. 1262-1272

  3. Calidad de vida en pacientes con osteoporosis en atención primaria

    Actualidades en Psicología, Vol. 25, Núm. 112, pp. 57-73

  4. Continuous high-yield production of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on 2D and 3D substrates

    ACS Nano, Vol. 5, Núm. 6, pp. 4850-4857

  5. Detection of mild cognitive impairment in people older than 65 years of age and its relationship to cardiovascular risk factors (DECRIVAM)

    BMC Public Health, Vol. 11

  6. El cambio climático y el agua: lo que piensan los universitarios

    Enseñanza de las ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, Vol. 29, Núm. 3, pp. 427-438

  7. Grosor íntima-media carotídeo en diabéticos e hipertensos

    Revista Espanola de Cardiologia, Vol. 64, Núm. 7, pp. 622-625

  8. Integrated Assessment of the European WFD Implementation in Extremely Overexploited Aquifers Through Participatory Modelling

    Water Resources Management, Vol. 25, Núm. 13, pp. 3343-3370

  9. Multi-physics damage sensing in nano-engineered structural composites

    Nanotechnology, Vol. 22, Núm. 18

  10. Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks for Participatory Water Management: Two Case Studies in Spain

    Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 137, Núm. 4, pp. 366-376

  11. Optical fish trajectory measurement in fishways through computer vision and artificial neural networks

    Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 25, Núm. 4, pp. 291-301

  12. Oxidation and Removal of Industrial Textile Dyes by a Novel Peroxidase Extracted from Post-harvest Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) Stubble

    Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, Vol. 16, Núm. 4, pp. 821-829

  13. Perfil Multivariante de las mujeres empleadas en el Servicio Doméstico

    Cuadernos de relaciones laborales, Vol. 29, Núm. 2, pp. 393-416

  14. Peripheral and central arterial pressure and its relationship to vascular target organ damage in carotid artery, retina and arterial stiffness. development and validation of a tool. the Vaso risk study

    BMC Public Health, Vol. 11

  15. Prevalence of cognitive impairment in individuals aged over 65 in an urban area: DERIVA study

    BMC Neurology, Vol. 11

  16. Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of peroxidase from the palm tree Chamaerops excelsa

    Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, Vol. 67, Núm. 12, pp. 1641-1644

  17. Relationship between intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery and arterial stiffness in subjects with and without type 2 diabetes: A case-series report

    Cardiovascular Diabetology, Vol. 10

  18. Relationships between quality of life and family function in caregiver

    BMC Family Practice, Vol. 12

  19. Relationships of night/day heart rate ratio with carotid intima media thickness and markers of arterial stiffness

    Atherosclerosis, Vol. 217, Núm. 2, pp. 420-426

  20. Suicide inactivation of peroxidase from Chamaerops excelsa palm tree leaves

    International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 49, Núm. 5, pp. 1078-1082