Conference papers (22) Publications in which a researcher has participated
A SU(4)⊗ O(3) scheme for nonstrange baryons
European Physical Journal A
Algorithmic construction of lumps
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
B − B-mixing with Domain Wall Fermions in the static approximation
Proceedings of Science
Chiral Lagrangians with tensor sources
AIP Conference Proceedings
Doubly heavy-quark baryon spectroscopy and semileptonic decay
European Physical Journal A
Exceptional and non-exceptional contributions to the radiative π decay
Chiral Dynamics 2006 - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics, Theory and Experiment, CD 2006
Experiencia de enseñanza de física en la licenciatura de humanidades mediante estrategias de problem based learning
El espacio europeo de educación superior. Una oportunidad para las enseñanzas técnicas: actas del congreso. [Recurso electrónico]. Zamora 19, 20, 21 y 22 de junio de 2007
Gluon saturation and black hole criticality
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering Forward Physics and QCD, EDS 2007
Hyperspherical harmonic formalism for tetraquarks
International Journal of Modern Physics A
Indirect signals from braneworlds
23rd International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energy, LP 2007
Nucleon sigma term and quark condensate in nuclear matter
European Physical Journal A
Pion production in neutrino-nucleon reactions
AIP Conference Proceedings
Quark model study of the semileptonic B → π decay
AIP Conference Proceedings
Recent developments in chiral dynamics of hadrons and hadrons in nuclei
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
Second order perturbations of rotating bodies in equilibrium: the exterior vacuum problem
Beyond general relativity: proceedings of the 2004 Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2004)
Strong one-pion decay of Sigma c, Sigma c* and Xi c*
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII
Strong one-pion decay of Σc, Σc * and c*
AIP Conference Proceedings
Study of semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of the Bc - Meson
European Physical Journal A
Study of the semileptonic decays B→π, D→π and D→K
European Physical Journal A
The puzzle of the D and Ds mesons
European Physical Journal A