Conference papers (23) Publications in which a researcher has participated
A closer look to the H dibaryon
Proceedings of Science
A nonrelativistic quark model evaluation of exclusive b → c semileptonic decay of triply heavy baryons and c → s,d semileptonic decay of cb baryons
Proceedings of Science
Charm mass determination from QCD sum rules at ∂(α 3 s)
AIP Conference Proceedings
Compartment modelling in drying of gamma irradiated chestnut fruits
7th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2012, FOODSIM 2012
Cosmological distance indicators by coalescing Binaries
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Supplementi - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, Supplement
D*N and B*N molecules: The Λc(2940) + and the possible existence of the Λb(6248) 0
Proceedings of Science
Dark matter seeding in neutron stars
AIP Conference Proceedings
Exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state cb baryons driven by a c → s, d quark transition
Proceedings of Science
Factorization of supersymmetric Hamiltonians in curvilinear coordinates
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Hadron mass effects in power corrections to event shapes
Proceedings of Science
High energy scattering in QCD vs. Tiny black holes
Proceedings - 38th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, ISMD 2008
Hunting exotics
Proceedings of Science
Large scale flows: Implications for inflation
12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Dev. in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories - Proc. of the MG 2009 Meeting on General Relativity
Quantum Coulomb gap
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Running of the 3P0 strength in heavy meson strong decays
Proceedings of Science
Semileptonic B decays into orbitally excited charmed mesons
AIP Conference Proceedings
Semileptonic decays of spin-1/2 doubly charmed baryons
Proceedings of Science
The Ds1(2460) as a molecular state in a constituent quark model
Proceedings of Science
The nature of the orbitally excited charmed-strange mesons through nonleptonic B → D(*)D(*)sj decays
EPJ Web of Conferences
The weak δS = 1 λN interaction with effective field theory
Proceedings of Science