Publicacións (23) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A different methodology for evaluating exhaled endogenous nitric oxide in newborns [1]

    Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics

  2. Approaches to drug discovery from plants

    Pharmaceutical Journal

  3. CD123(hi) dendritic cell lymphoma: An unusual case of non-Hodgkin lymphoma [9]

    Annals of Internal Medicine

  4. Characteristics associated with ability to prevent adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients - A comment


  5. Comments on molecules MolBank M48, M88, M89, M92 and M94


  6. Cryptic insertion (15;17) in a case of acute promyelocytic leukemia detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization [2]


  7. Duodenal ulcer with bleeding as the sole symptom of relapse in ovarian carcinoma

    American Journal of Medicine

  8. Edema angioneurótico adquirido asociado a enfermedad de Graves y vitíligo.

    Anales de medicina interna (Madrid, Spain : 1984)

  9. Empleo del fentanilo por via perimedular. Es legal su uso?

    Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion

  10. Immunoglobulin lambda chain gene rearrangement in a case of acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia [3]


  11. Interaction between phenytoin and ciprofloxacin [1]

    Annals of Pharmacotherapy

  12. International Symposium on Membrane Fusion: Mechanisms and Applications to Cell Biology, Drug Delivery and Gene Therapy, Salamanca, Spain, 14-18 July 1998: Preface: Membrane fusion mechanisms and applications: Assessment of current knowledge

    Molecular Membrane Biology

  13. Leydig cell tumour of the testis: Cytological findings on fine needle aspiration [2]


  14. Mortalidad por tuberculosis en ancianos.

    Revista Clinica Espanola

  15. Nevirapine-induced withdrawal symptoms in HIV patients on methadone maintenance programme: An alert [9]


  16. Peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collection by large-volume leukapheresis from pediatric donors [1]

    Bone Marrow Transplantation

  17. Prevenible o inevitable?: una nueva etapa en el tema de la seguridad de los medicamentos.

    Medicina clínica

  18. Primary plasma cell leukemia and multiple myeloma: One or two diseases according to the methodology [1] (multiple letters)


  19. Standardized RT-PCR analysis of fusion gene transcripts from chromosome aberrations in acute leukemia for detection of minimal residual disease. Report of the BIOMED-1 Concerted Action: Investigation of minimal residual disease in acute leukemia


  20. Síndrome confusional agudo secundario a hiperviscosidad en mieloma múltiple.

    Medicina Clinica