Publicacións (65) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Adaptingglycolysis to cancer cell proliferation: The MAPK pathway focuses on PFKFB3

    Biochemical Journal

  2. Advanced human-computer interaction

    Computers in Human Behavior

  3. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Preface

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  4. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Preface

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  5. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Preface

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  6. Allergic contact dermatitis due to sensitisation to sunscreen in two infants

    Allergologia et Immunopathologia

  7. Angiosarcoma in vascular access after transplantation

    Clinical Kidney Journal

  8. Cell migration: Cooperation between Myosin II isoforms in durotaxis

    Current Biology

  9. Corrigendum to Cocaine modulates the expression of transcription factors related to the dopaminergic system in zebrafish [Neuroscience 231 258-271 (2013)]


  10. Cutaneous alerts in systemic malignancy: Part 1

    Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas

  11. Cutaneous manifestations of systemic malignancies: Part 2

    Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas

  12. Delayed introduction of tacrolimus in sub-optimal kidneys. A short-term follow-up study in the University Hospital of Salamanca


  13. Dr. Martin Paredero obtains the title of University Reader


  14. Drenaje tunelizado para el tratamiento ambulatorio del derrame pleural recidivante

    Revista de Patologia Respiratoria

  15. Editorial

    Revista de Toxicologia

  16. Editorial

    Logic Journal of the IGPL

  17. Editorial

    International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

  18. El fenómeno de las caídas en residencias e instituciones: Revisión del Grupo de Trabajo de Osteoporosis, Caídas y Fracturas de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología (GCOF-SEGG)

    Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia

  19. El jugador de rugby con una «pata de elefante» en el pecho

    Cirugia Espanola

  20. Energy target for individualized ICU nutrition: Are repeated energy expenditure measurements better to meet requirements?

    Intensive Care Medicine