PhD school
Articles (1,772) Publications in which a researcher has participated View referenced research data.
A new frontier in dashboard design: Evaluating an innovative meta-modelling approach through expert insights
Expert Systems, Vol. 42, Núm. 1
ASAD: A Meta Learning-Based Auto-Selective Approach and Tool for Anomaly Detection
IEEE Access, Vol. 13, pp. 4341-4367
Boundary and interior layer phenomena in coupled multiscale parabolic convection–diffusion interface problems: efficient numerical resolution and analysis
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow
Filling the gap in K-12 data literacy competence assessment: Design and initial validation of a questionnaire
Computers in Human Behavior Reports, Vol. 17
Highly efficient optimal decomposition approach and its mathematical analysis for solving fourth-order Lane–Emden–Fowler equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 456
LAMB: An open-source software framework to create artificial intelligence assistants deployed and integrated into learning management systems
Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 92
Models and references that influence gender stereotypes in STEM: A case study in Spain
Revista de investigación educativa, RIE, Núm. 43
Numerical Analysis for a weakly coupled system of Singularly Perturbed Quasilinear Problem with non-smooth data
Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 85
On the oscillation of second-order functional differential equations with a delayed damping term
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 163
Semantic scene understanding through advanced object context analysis in image
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 252
A Learning Probabilistic Boolean Network Model of a Smart Grid with Applications in System Maintenance
Energies, Vol. 17, Núm. 24
A Multi-Agent System Approach for Balance Disorder Treatment: Integrating Computer Vision and Gamification
IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 118649-118664
A Multiagent Platform for promoting physical activity and learning through interactive educational games using the depth camera recognition system
Entertainment Computing, Vol. 49
A Robust and higher order numerical technique for a time-fractional equation with nonlocal condition
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
A comparative study of color quantization methods using various image quality assessment indices
Multimedia Systems, Vol. 30, Núm. 1
A conservative algorithm based on a hybrid block method and tension B-spline differential quadrature method for Rosenau–KdV–RLW equation
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 47, Núm. 11, pp. 8638-8650
A coupled scheme based on uniform algebraic trigonometric tension B-spline and a hybrid block method for Camassa-Holm and Degasperis-Procesi equations
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 43, Núm. 1
A new block method with variable stepsize implementation for solving third-order differential systems
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 47, Núm. 12, pp. 9987-9999
A new pair of block techniques for direct integration of third-order singular IVPs
Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 204, pp. 222-231
A novel model for malware propagation on wireless sensor networks
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 21, Núm. 3, pp. 3967-3998