Publications (16) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. A 360-degree performance appraisal model dealing with heterogeneous information and dependent criteria

    Information Sciences, Vol. 222, pp. 459-471

  2. A unifying model to measure consensus solutions in a society

    Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 57, Núm. 7-8, pp. 1876-1883

  3. Business cycle synchronization between euro area and central and eastern european countries

    Review of Development Economics, Vol. 17, Núm. 2, pp. 379-395

  4. Characterizations of Walrasian allocations via bargaining sets

    Working paper series ( RGEA )

  5. Consensus and the Act of Voting

    Studies in Microeconomics, Vol. 1, Núm. 1, pp. 1-22

  6. Designing optimum insurance schemes to reduce water overexploitation during drought events: a case study of La Campiña, Guadalquivir River Basin, Spain

    Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 2, Núm. 1, pp. 1-15

  7. Early School-leaving in Spain: Evolution, intensity and determinants

    European Journal of Education, Vol. 48, Núm. 1, pp. 150-164

  8. Information and size of coalitions

    Working paper series ( RGEA )

  9. Inmigración latinoamericana y gasto social

    Claves para la comprensión de la inmigración latinoamericana en España (Universidad Católica de Córdoba), pp. 101-132

  10. La inmigración latinoamericana en España: contexto, dimensión y características

    Claves para la comprensión de la inmigración latinoamericana en España (Universidad Católica de Córdoba), pp. 29-62

  11. Mercado de trabajo y demanda de protección social

    Presupuesto y gasto público, Núm. 71, pp. 101-126

  12. On a game with price competition and incomplete information

    Working paper series ( RGEA )

  13. On measures of cohesiveness under dichotomous opinions: Some characterizations of approval consensus measures

    Information Sciences, Vol. 240, pp. 45-55

  14. The Mahalanobis consensus ranking for profiles of quantitative data

    XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, VIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública: SEIO 2013. Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, septiembre 2013. Libro de actas

  15. Those were the days, my friend: The public sector and the economic crisis in Spain

    Public Sector Shock: The Impact of Policy Retrenchment in Europe (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 511-542

  16. ¿Cuánto vale el agua? Modelo INPUT-OUTPUT para el cálculo de la productividad sectorial del agua: El caso de Castilla y León

    Cuartas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá: Humanidades