Filosofía y lenguajela formación humanística en el desarrollo personal y sociocultural: una propuesta alternativa para la educación secundaria en la República Dominicana

  1. Martínez Reyes, Jorge Adarberto
Dirixida por:
  1. Luis Méndez Francisco Director
  2. Marta Vázquez Martín Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 09 de xullo de 2008

  1. María del Carmen Labrador Herráiz Presidente/a
  2. María Antonietta Salamone Secretario/a
  3. Eduardo Antonio Fraile González Vogal
  4. José Luis Barreiro Barreiro Vogal
  5. Manuel Maceiras Fafián Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The occurrence of a number of economic, political, natural and social phenomena within the last decades indicates the birth of an emerging society with planetary characteristics, differentiated of any other society ever known, which generates infinite possibilities of progress, but at the same time, it brings as a consequence risks and uncertainties which increase the vulnerability of the earth. The natural resources, the work of the land done by hand and the energy, have lost importance as generators of richness, which have been substituted by Knowledge, in this way human beings maximize their potential as receptors of the knowledge generated by themselves, and in this context, the role of education is highlighted as the best instrument which human beings use to satisfy the new necessities of education. Despite the social and economical inequalities, the Dominican Republic has similar possibilities as other countries, big and small, to compete. However, our educational system is characterized by low achievement and not very demanding quality standards, or even obsolete ones, for this reason, it urgently requires a deep reform. Secondary education is the most affected by low achievement, which justifies the proposal of a new alternative, like the one offered in this research, which allows it to gain back its sense of pertinence, relevance, efficiency and equality, we assume that these dimensions are implied in an education with quality. The proposal includes: theory, tendencies and institutional plan, and a permanent training program of the teacher’s staff, incorporates a monitoring and evaluation system, and a program of pedagogical interventions that connect the development of formative strategies of evaluation within the context of the classroom, a strategy of induction and vocational formation and student’s tutoring, strategies of accountability and family volunteering, as well as strategies of compensatory education and social reintegration.