Nieve y hielo en el arte contemporáneo

  1. Armbruster Bernstorff, Carmen
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Mariano de Blas Ortega Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 01 von Februar von 2016

  1. Pablo de Arriba del Amo Präsident/in
  2. Paloma Peláez Bravo Sekretär/in
  3. José Manuel Prada Vega Vocal
  4. María Teresa Escohotado Ibor Vocal
  5. Consolación Ana Acha Román Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Snow and Ice have always been important in the lives of human beings. Today in many parts of the world snow and ice are present for long periods of time during the year, or even all year round. Before, winter was a difficult season but now, in many cases, winter has become one of the most important seasons and snow and ice have become important materials for the arts, especially for sculpture and for architecture. Snow and Ice come from water. Without moisture, life on Earth would be impossible, and from this basic and necessary substance comes snow. Snow is formed by the precipitation of water vapour, condensed from the atmosphere, which reaches the ground in a crystalline shape or frozen state. When the processes of condensation and falling take place at a temperature below 0 °C o 32 °F, the result is snow. Snow is made of ice crystal structure. INTRODUCTION Snow and ice as uncommon materials, their plastic possibilities, and their presence in contemporary art. Snow and ice in art, as short-lived materials in artistic expression, involve a specific time period, new performance spaces, and incorporate experiences by the artist and the audience. The particular characteristics of snow and ice allow for carrying out a wide variety of art forms through different approaches. Snow and ice are presented as a unit, as an ideal element to discuss time, the present, and the moment the work is created and presented as experience, thus tracking the story both diachronically, over time, and synchronically, at a precise moment. The common thread throughout the thesis is the presence of snow and or ice, ephemeral elements full of meaning and driving force of thought, in works of art. Snow is present in different types of artistic expression, interventions in nature, sculptures, buildings, and manifestations and pieces that take the streets, cities, and new spaces within different contexts...