Diseños instructivos adaptativosformación personalizada y reutilizable en entornos educativos

  1. Berlanga Flores, Adriana José
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco José García Peñalvo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 02 June 2006

  1. Luis Alonso Romero Chair
  2. Joaquín García Carrasco Secretary
  3. Manuel Ortega Cantero Committee member
  4. Roberto Moriyón Salomón Committee member
  5. Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán Committee member

Type: Thesis


Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHS) have the potential of delivering instruction tailored to each student. However, despite many years of research, these systems have been used only in a few real learning situations. There are different reasons for this. First, most of them do not consider the adaptation of the pedagogical strategy or the authoring of learning flows. Consequently, their dissemination outside experimental contexts is limited. Moreover, since they make use of proprietary semantics to identify and define adaptivity conditions and educational elements, they do not have the possibility to share contents, learning activities, learning strategies or adaptive techniques among lessons or applications. In order to solve these problems, this thesis proposes a component called Diseños Instructionales Adaptativos (DIA, Adaptive Learning Designs), which uses as common notational method the IMS Learning Design specification (IMS LD). The objective of DIA is twofold. On one hand, it permits the definition of the characteristics of the learning flow, like its learning objectives, prerequisites, learning activities, method of instruction and adaptive behaviour and; on the other, it supports the reusability and exchangeability of the defined components among learning designs and tools compliant with IMS LD. The definition of the DIA component is founded on the characterization, techniques, and elements that AEHS take into consideration for performing adaptivity, and the attributes of IMS LD to model adaptivity and learning strategies. Morever, an authoring tool has been developed in order to create DIA. It has been utilized for performing a study to evaluate the adaptivity behaviour of a DIA in a real learning situation.