Effectiveness of a smartphone application for improving healthy lifestyles, a randomized clinical trial (EVIDENT II): Study protocol
- Recio-Rodríguez, J.I.
- Martín-Cantera, C.
- González-Viejo, N.
- Gómez-Arranz, A.
- Arietaleanizbeascoa, M.S.
- Schmolling-Guinovart, Y.
- Maderuelo-Fernandez, J.A.
- Pérez-Arechaederra, D.
- Rodriguez-Sanchez, E.
- Gómez-Marcos, M.A.
- García-Ortiz, L.
BMC Public Health
ISSN: 1471-2458
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Type: Article