Capital social y desarrollo en áreas rurales de España y PortugalUn estudio empírico en las comarcas de Villuercas, Sierra de Gata e Idanha a nova

  1. Monago Lozano, Francisco Javier
Supervised by:
  1. José Antonio Pérez Rubio Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 27 September 2013

  1. Ángel Infestas Gil Chair
  2. Arlindo Alegre Donario Secretary
  3. Marcelo Sánchez-Oro Committee member
  4. Fernando E. Garrido Fernández Committee member
  5. Manuel Gonzalez Fernandez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 346575 DIALNET


The perspective from which we will be contributing to social capital development programs, is to avoid the bias that many economist of those programs have. Since it is repeatedly found evidence that the experiences of development, whose main objective was economic progress, ignoring the citizens' ability to implement strategies for social progress and preventing factors involved multiple aspects (social, economic, cultural) have failed. Hence, the basic objective that we pursue, is to analyze the state of social capital located in rural areas of Villuercas, Ibores, Jara and Sierra Gata (Extremadura) and Beira Interior Sul (Portugal), through the perceptions of actors involved in rural development strategies. We support that social capital has emerged in response to the failures of the economist ideas of development, and articulates a series of interactions or social networks among individuals, groups and institutions that can foster development. We highlight three interrelated aspects: culture, social structure and development as factors that influence, generate and play skills, attitudes and skills of the population, level of participation in governance, etc. Indirectly it is to delve into the foundations of the formation of social capital and to determine the degree of development capital that is the future of rural development policies, to implement ways to promote collective action in rural communities.