Análisis de las estrategias de búsqueda visual y la respuesta de reacción en jugadores de voleibol ante una situación de recepción del saque

  1. Damas Arroyo, Jesús Sebastián
Dirigée par:
  1. Francisco Javier Moreno Hernández Directeur/trice
  2. María Perla Moreno Arroyo Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 07 décembre 2012

  1. Fernando Villar Álvarez President
  2. Ruperto Menayo Antúnez Secrétaire
  3. Raúl Reina Vaíllo Rapporteur
  4. Juan Antonio García Herrero Rapporteur
  5. Juan Pedro Fuentes García Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 333854 DIALNET


We compare the visual search strategies and reaction time in experts and novices through two situations (video simulation and on court) in volleyball jump service. The participants were asked to act simulating the interception the ball. Method: Sample: expert group (n = 7) of First Division players Men's National Volleyball and a novice group (n = 6) of college students with no experience in the sport. Instrumental: ASL Tracking System 500 to collect eye movements and visual search strategies. An accelerometer was used to collect data from motor, drove by a software designed by the researcher. Procedure: Subjects had to respond as quickly and accurately as possible towards the ball trajectory after the serve moving one foot in the correct direction. Conclusions: Novice and expert subjects of our study, given the situation of jump service, show different visual search strategies. The novice visual behavior is based on a nearly exclusive and permanent monitoring of the trajectory of the ball. The experts show different strategies based on key points, including the ball path. Experts exhibit a specific visual behavior based on visual pivots with several saccadic eye movements following the ball path in advance of the ball and anticipating the drop point. These visual behaviors allow experts perform faster responses than novices. The accuracy of the response was similar in both groups.