Acoso escolar y necesidades educativas especiales

  1. González Contreras, Ana Isabel
Dirigée par:
  1. Benito León del Barco Directeur/trice
  2. Teresa Gómez Carroza Co-directeur/trice
  3. María Elena Felipe Castaño Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 11 juillet 2017

  1. Isabel Cuadrado Gordillo President
  2. Jerónimo González Bernal Secrétaire
  3. María Guadalupe Sánchez Crespo Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 489993 DIALNET


The aim is to describe, analyze and compare school harassment and / or abuse from the point of view of victims, witnesses and perpetrators with and without Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the centers of Extremadura. The following were used as instruments: the abbreviated version of the Ombudsman's Questionnaire-UNICEF (2007), the Scales of Affect (EA-H) and Norms and Requirements (ENE-H) of (Fuentes, Motrico and Bersabé, 1999) And the Educational-Clinical Questionnaire: Anxiety and Depression (CECAD). The sample was formed by 1077 students of 6th grade and 1st of ESO. Among the conclusions obtained, we highlight the following: 1) student-victim with SEN perceives more frequent harassment than students without SEN; 2) the student-witness expresses that they are more frequent those of verbal modality as opposed to those of physical aggression and indirect aggression; 3) student-aggressor states that the most frequent types of maltreatment are verbal, highlighting insults and threats as the most important types of aggression in primary education, and in secondary social exclusion as the most common form of aggression, there are differences Between students with SEN and without SEN.