Implantación del comercio electrónico y resultado organizacionaluna aplicación al sector aeronáutico en España

  1. Galán Alcalde, María Paz
Dirixida por:
  1. Clementina Galera Casquet Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 27 de xaneiro de 2016

  1. Mª Belén Lozano García Presidenta
  2. María Soledad Janita Muñoz Secretario/a
  3. Mercedes Martos Partal Vogal
  4. Alejandro del Moral Agúndez Vogal
  5. José Ignacio López Sánchez Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 400811 DIALNET


Transactions between companies through electronic markets have increased in recent years, mainly due to cost savings resulting from the use of these markets. The source of cost savings is mainly due to lower transaction costs that occur when buying and selling operations are conducted through the Electronic Markets. Despite this advantage in cost reduction, not all companies operate in these markets. The main objective of this thesis seeks to know whether the implementation of e-commerce helps to improve organizational results; but within the framework of the Spanish companies belonging to the aeronautical sector, where despite being a technologically advanced sector, not all companies operate in Electronic Markets. From the literature review, the variables that influence both the implementation of e-commerce and organizational results, are identified; and allow us to design our analysis model. The analysis model is validated using the technique of Multiple Regression, although in some cases there will be required to supplement the information obtained with simple regressions, U from Mann-Whitney and t-Student. The testing of model assumptions applies to companies belonging to the Spanish aeronautical sector operating in the electronic markets. The results show the importance of variables such as network externalities, specificity of the assets, the size of the organization and the country where the transaction originates, in reducing business costs. The efforts of the companies in the aeronautical sector that still do not operate in Electronic Markets should aim to take advantage of these benefits of these variables.