Valores que definen el éxito personal a través de redes sociales

  1. González Ballester, Sergio
Dirixida por:
  1. María Isabel Ruiz Fernández Director
  2. Florencio Vicente Castro Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 29 de xaneiro de 2016

  1. Giorgo Soro Presidente/a
  2. José Carlos Sánchez García Secretario
  3. Silvio Manuel da Rocha Brito Vogal
  4. Juan José Maldonado Briegas Vogal
  5. Zacarías Calzado Almodóvar Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 403187 DIALNET


The aim of this research has been to know what were the values, principles and characteristics that have enabled the professional success of certain people. The research that has been carried out includes a list of successful people born from 1950 to the present day, with the aim of studying deeply their values and principles through the analysis of their lifes and successes, the relationship they have with their minds, the influence of these relevant people in social networks, and the coincidences of the characteristics that these successful people have with the characteristics of entrepreneurship. The results have concluded that the values of successful people are fundamentally: to have success, creativity, to be healthy, self-discipline, under the motivational aspects of accomplishment, self-direction, security and compliance. The motivational values of the people to succeed according to the different professional fields have relationship with certain characteristics of the entrepreneur. Values such as creativity, the need for success, choosing one's goals and the respect are corresponded to the characteristics of creativity, need for achievement, initiative and the entrepreneur self-confidence.