El hombre y el caballoUna revisión etnohistórica (desde el Eoceno hasta la caída del imperio Romano de Occidente)

  1. Suárez Alarcón, Nicolás
Supervised by:
  1. María Belén Bañas Llanos Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 11 January 2016

  1. Miguel Cecilio Botella López Chair
  2. Fernando Juan Peña Vega Secretary
  3. Trinidad Nogales Basarrate Committee member
  4. Luis Caro Dobón Committee member
  5. José María Álvarez Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 396809 DIALNET


Since man and horse met in the Wordl, their paht like species has passed toghether. First relation limited itself to that of hunters with their preys, but after the taming of the horse and of the invention of horseback riding, their relationship intensified up to turning the horse into an indispensable ally of men, so much in the most risky undertakings as in the leisure time or glory days. This is the history of a relationship that started thousands of years ago and that has kept indelible for the period of our study.