Relación de la resiliencia y la inteligencia emocional con el desempeño ocupacional y el funcionamiento familiar de los familiares cuidadores de pacientes con demencia de Extremadura

  1. Gómez Trinidad, María Nieves
Dirigée par:
  1. Carlos Alexis Chimpén López Directeur/trice
  2. Juan Rodríguez Mansilla Directeur/trice
  3. Laura Rodríguez Santos Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 13 mars 2017

  1. Gloria Mª Bueno Carrera President
  2. María Concepción Bancalero Romero Secrétaire
  3. María Jiménez Palomares Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 456813 DIALNET


From a positive psychological point of view, we can ask ourselves which are the bases that help to adapt a stressfully event. Our main objective is to analyze the relationship between resilience and emotional intelligence, as well as their joint presence under the name of "protective factors", with occupational performance and family functioning in the main caregivers of people with dementia of the Autonomous Region of Extremadura. A cross - sectional, analytical and descriptive study was carried out through the Alzheimer 's Family Associations and other dementias of the region. The final sample was made up of a total of 144 main caregivers. The results concluded that the main caregivers of relatives with dementia who present higher levels of resilience and emotional intelligence present a better perception of the time they can use in the areas of self-care and leisure, within the occupational performance, as well as a better perception of the satisfaction on it. Regarding family functioning, caregivers who present a higher level of resilience and emotional intelligence, describe a situation of greater adaptability and cohesion. The third and new variable generated, "protective factors", is fundamentally related to the best levels of self-care and leisure, within occupational performance, and adaptability, within family functioning. Finally, there is a significant and positive correlation between resilience and emotional intelligence, so that to a greater degree of one, the other increases.