Factores de patogenicidad en "Candida tropicalis"

  1. Galán Ladero, María Ángeles
Dirigée par:
  1. María Teresa Blanco Roca Directeur/trice
  2. Ciro Pérez Giraldo Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 10 juin 2014

  1. Antonio C. Gómez García President
  2. Beatriz Sacristán Enciso Secrétaire
  3. Alicia Beteta López Rapporteur
  4. Enrique García Sánchez Rapporteur
  5. Ignacio Trujillano Martín Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 360541 DIALNET


Infections due to opportunistic fungal pathogens have increased significantly in recent years. "Candida" and "Aspergillus" are the most frequent microorganisms isolated from clinical samples. Although "Candida albicans" is the specie of Candida found most frequently, other species different to "Candida albicans" ("Candida glabrata", "Candida tropicalis" and "Candida krusei") are emerging as opportunistic pathogens. The incidence of "C. tropicalis" increased (2.9%) between 1997 and 2003. "Candida" has a number of virulence factors that facilitate colonization and infection in the host. The aim of this thesis was the determination of these virulence factors in "Candida tropicalis".