La eficacia del sistema de protección y reutilización del agua en España y Brasilun análisis jurídico-ambiental derivado de la política de la Unión Europea

  1. Moreira, Vescijudith Fernandes
Dirigida per:
  1. Dionisio Fernández de Gatta Sánchez Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 01 de de juliol de 2011

  1. Miguel Ángel González Iglesias Secretari
  2. María Ángeles González Bustos Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


This work is dedicated to wastewater and from its importance, its treatment and its subsequent reuse to meet vital needs in all sectors who need them. So take care of all waters, fresh or salt, clear or gray, for demanding or less demanding needs, and the horizon present and future, is essential to adopt sustainable instruments, as its treatment and reuse. This thesis is divided into four chapters: - The right to water sustainability. The reuse of wastewater. - The legal system of the European Union for the protection and reuse of wastewater. - Spanish legislation for the reuse of reclaimed water. - Brazil's legal system to reuse wastewater.